Photo Restoration Wellington
Bring your memories to life

We restore your



With the passage of time, your slides and photographs buried away in boxes or albums will deteriorate. Damage can include discolouration due to chemical changes in the photo and paper, exposure to damp causing water marks, fading through exposure to sunlight, or foxing as the result of mould.
Under these circumstances, an image can decay to a point where details become almost invisible. Then there are the effects of physical damage to your originals resulting from frequent handling, accidents, poor storage, insect or rodent attacks, pen and sellotape marks. Photos can become creased, scratched, cracked, and torn.
What are the benefits of digitising and restoring photos?
Safe keeping your memories
Don’t risk losing your precious images altogether – let us restore them in-house with our advanced photo correction software so you can preserve what matters for future generations.
A brand new copy
Our photo restoration work results in a digital image that is an improved version of your original photograph, which is not itself altered in any way. This gives you the option to use the original for another project in future.
Share your precious memories
Digital images are highly accessible. Your restored visual treasures can be circulated easily on electronic channels among members of your family, no matter how widely spread across the globe all the cousins and in-laws might be!
How do we restore your photos?
Bring your photo (or artwork) for restoration into us, so we can discuss your requirements and how we can help you.

The first step in the restoration process is we scan your photo or print to make a high-resolution digital copy of the image. We’ll keep your original safe until you return.

Next, we use a variety of digital techniques to improve the scanned image, in line with your requirements, without introducing any unrealistic effects.

We’ll share a preview of the restored digital image with you to check that we’ve met your expectations.

The end result is a quality picture refreshed in colour, contrast, sharpness and brightness, but which stays true to your original.
We also specialise in image restoration work that involves more advanced digital editing, such as introducing special effects, rebuilding and manipulating, and adding and removing image elements.
Restoring negatives and slides
Do you have film negatives or slides that need restoration? We can help.
The process for restoring negs and slides involves scanning them at a very high resolution so we can enlarge the digitised images. Scanning also converts the negative to a positive digital image.
Then we can begin restoration, which may involve just a touch up or basic enhancement. Following payment, we’ll email your finished digital images to you in the desired format and resolution, or download them to your storage device.
We can print your restored image onto art paper, and frame it as well, for attractive presentation.